REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED! A video recording of the webinar will be made available following the live session.
As an important part of our campaign this year the AECEO convened a Task Force, Mobilizing the Early Years Workforce: Community Voices on Decent Work in Early Childhood.
The Task Force has two main functions:
- Develop recommendations to the Ministry of Education's Workforce Strategy
- Develop a Decent Work Charter to support our Shared Vision of Decent Work in the Early Years and Child Care sector
This special webinar will launch a consultation process with our members and the broader Early Years and Child Care sector. Task Force members will present the Decent Work Charter and explain our consultation process. The AECEO and Task Force are prioritizing consultation with the sector so that our recommendations are well informed by RECEs, staff, administrators and sector stakeholders.
We will use a survey format and open feedback submissions for this consultation process. The consultation period will be open from October 23rd until November 10th 2017.
For more information or assistance please contact [email protected]