2024-2025 AECEO Provincial Board of Directors
The AECEO is a member driven organization with elected voluntary Board of Directors. It is the role of the Provincial Office Staff to implement, support and maintain the services, policies, and directives as dictated by the Board and fundamentally by its members, within the scope of the Association’s mission and mandate.
Shailja Jain MEd, RECE, PhD Candidate
Shailja Jain is a registered early childhood educator who has experience working with children ages 0-6 years. Shailja is currently a PhD candidate in Critical Policy, Equity and Leadership Studies in Education at the University of Western Ontario. Her research focuses on exploring gender creativity, gender justice and gender fluidity in the early childhood classroom. Shailja is also a faculty member in the School of Early Childhood at George Brown College. Shailja is committed to the sector of early childhood education. She is passionate about disrupting systemic barriers that early childhood educators face. She is also very passionate about the importance of gender inclusivity in early childhood education. Shailja believes that advocacy is so important in the ECEC sector, and the AECEO does an amazing job of raising the voices of ECEs and fighting for decent working conditions and equity for educators, children, and their families. Shailja has served as Board President for the past year and is the Assistant Editor of the peer reviewed section of the eceLINK.
Jose Barbosa RECE
Jose Barbosa is an experienced Registered Early Childhood Educator with a deep passion for the field of Early Childhood Education. Graduating from George Brown College in 2007, Jose has dedicated the past 16 years to providing quality care for children and advocating for the rights and well-being of childcare workers.
Jose's career began on the floor as an ECE, where he honed his skills and expertise for the first 11 years. During this time, he spent 9 years at Ferncliff Daycare and After School Group, a non-profit childcare center in Toronto. His commitment to creating a nurturing and inclusive environment for children made him a valued member of the Ferncliff team.
Presently and for the past five years, Jose has served as the Assistant Director at Ferncliff Daycare, consistently making a positive impact. In addition to his administrative duties, he has demonstrated unwavering dedication in fostering a welcoming and supportive work environment for his staff daily.
In addition to his work at Ferncliff, Jose has actively participated in the Early Childhood Education community. He served on the Executive Board of CUPE 2484 for five years as the Secretary Treasurer, gaining valuable skills in budgeting and financial management within a non-profit organization. Jose has also collaborated with the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care (OCBCC) and the Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario (AECEO) on various campaigns, advocating for quality, non-profit care for all children and fair working conditions and pay for childcare workers across the province and country.
Jose's passion for the field is rooted in his belief in providing the best possible care and education for children. He strongly emphasizes the importance of non-profit childcare and advocates for decent working conditions and fair compensation for all childcare workers. His dedication to this cause drives him to continue working towards creating a system that prioritizes the well-being of both children and those who care for them.
Olivia Faveri HBFA, RECE, OCT
Olivia Faveri has been an AECEO Board Member since 2021 and acting as Secretary since early 2024. She works as an Occasional Teacher with the Toronto District School Board and is a Registered Early Childhood Educator. She holds a Bachelor of Education (Primary/Junior) from University of Ottawa, a diploma in Early Childhood Education from Algonquin College, and an Honours Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance, specializing in Dance Education, from York University. She is also a certified DanceAbility® Teacher.
She has taught in several early learning settings including the Carlington Community Health Centre, Canada’s National Ballet School’s Sharing Dance program, Dovercourt Recreation Centre, Macaulay Centres for Children, Andrew Fleck Children’s Services, the OCDSB, the TDSB, and Mildenhall Montessori Schools. In addition to her work, she has volunteered with the CHEO School, The School of Toronto Dance Theatre’s Young Dancers’ Program, SickKids, and Girl Guides of Canada.
Olivia believes that advocating for professional pay and decent work is vital to the early learning and childcare sector’s future. Through her active involvement as an AECEO Board Member over the last three years, she has and continues to advocate for positive change in the sector. Early Childhood Educators are professionals and deserve to be recognized as such by all sectors, each level of government, and the general public.
Joy .O. Adeola B.S.C Accounting, A.T,S.(I.C.A.N), RECE
I'm a registered early childhood educator with a diploma from Seneca College, a Bachelor's degree from Ambrose Ali University Nigeria and A.T.S member of Institute of chartered accountants of Nigeria.
I've been working with children and families in formal settings for over 15 years. Initially when I joined the field in Canada my philosophy was, “I believe children in their early stages of development need positive guidance. Young children have potential and they need parents, caregivers and educators that will help bring out those potentials. I believe I can make a positive contribution by being a good role model and by guiding them. My goal is to listen, observe, interact with children, teachers and families. To understand their world and be able to acquire more skills to work with them and bring out the best in them.”
Over the years with my experience in working with the field and how much I've come to realize that educators are not valued as they should. I've added advocacy for people that care for children to my philosophy "because only valued and healthy educators can nurture and bring out the best in children.'' I believe ECE is an evolving field and if I'm given the opportunity to serve I will give my support to the board in any positive way in moving AECEO forward as it continues to make a better place for people that care for children and for the children.
My quest for spreading the word to the government and people that can bring change has led me into different forms of public speaking with the media. Some of which are:
1. "Raising the floor" (CUPE2484) 2. Press Conference at Queens Park aired on CTV, November 2022 in collaboration with (OCBCC, CUPE.AECEO & MPP Bhutila Karpoche) 3.The Federal Childcare Plan: Is It Working For Ontario? (Television Ontario) 4. "Lifting everyone up" with the Canadian Labour Congress Conference aired in Montreal. (a) (b) 5. Being a part of conversations with government personnel, families, employees and employers both online and in person in fighting for positive changes in our sector. 6. I've also walked with AECEO in telephone outreach and centre visits in supporting educators. 7. Budget deputation for educators with Economic and community development committee at city hall on November 28, 2023. 4:21:35 8. Budget Deputation with Toronto city council Budget subcommittee at Etobicoke civic centre, January 23. 3:10:17 2024 9. I’ve also been a board member of AECEO, working with other members in serving families, educators, children and maintaining a community of belonging.
Jane Cervi B.A., RECE
Jane Cervi (she/her) is a dedicated and experienced Early Childhood Educator (RECE) with a career spanning over 25 years. She graduated from Niagara College with an Early Childhood Education diploma in 1998. Committed to advancing her expertise, Jane pursued further education and earned both a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts in Early Childhood Studies from Toronto Metropolitan University.
Jane’s extensive background includes hands-on experience in early childhood education as well as leadership roles. Her research interests focus on the intersection of urban planning and child care development, with a particular emphasis on the expansion of child care services in Ontario. Her work reflects a commitment to improving and expanding early childhood education, making her a valuable contributor to the field.
Tina Dhiman RECE
Tina recently received her Early Childhood Education diploma from Seneca Polytechnic College. Currently she is a registered RECE. Tina showed a strong dedication to her area throughout her academic career by actively participating in a number of initiatives meant to improve learning environments and practices. She was able to gain vital leadership and organizing abilities as well as a thorough awareness of student concerns and institutional processes through her position as a board member of the Seneca Student Federation.
Tina is committed to changing the early childhood education landscape for the better. She is especially committed to handling urgent problems including raising wages fairly, addressing the persistent difficulties of personnel shortages, and enhancing working conditions for teachers. Her commitment to these issues stems from her conviction that a nurturing and resource-rich atmosphere is necessary for the success of both teachers and students.
Tina, who is only 21 years old, offers a young and vibrant viewpoint. She is excited to bring her knowledge and enthusiasm to the Board of Directors, where she intends to work with other industry professionals to put practical ideas into practice. Tina is dedicated to creating an environment in education that puts the growth and well-being of teachers and young students first, guaranteeing a better future for the early childhood education sector.
Sherry Lickers RECE, AECEO.C
Sherry Lickers is a Registered Early Childhood Educator and holds certification from the Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario. Sherry has worked in the Early Childhood Field for 40 years and has held many positions as Room Teacher, Coordinator of Family Resource and Supervisor. Sherry was an instructor for the Early Childhood Education program for Niagara College and the placement coordinator for the ECE students at Six Nations Polytechnic for 6 years. She is currently working for Fire Fly as Indigenous Professional Learning Opportunities Coordinator. She is also an active participant with the (PEACE) network Progressive Early years Aboriginal Centres of Excellence in South Western Region. Sherry received the Conestoga College Alumni Distinction Award in 2015, and was also nominated by Conestoga College for the Outstanding College Graduates Premiers Award for Community in 2018. Sherry is single mom of 3 adult sons and a grandmother who enjoys skating and baseball, and has volunteered in many aspects of those sports as club president of the Six Nations Skating Club and judge for Skate Ontario. Sherry enjoys sewing and beading in her spare time. Sherry believes that major issues for the AECEO are the professional recognition that RECEs receive from the government and equal pay that RECE and early years workers receive across the province.
Nicola Maguire RECE, B.A., MA ECS
Nicola is proud to be a Registered Early Childhood Educator and has been part of the sector for over 30 years. In addition to being a RECE, Nicola also completed an Hon. BA in Early Childhood Leadership and a Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education. Nicola has held many roles in the sector throughout her career, including more than 13 years as a direct-contact RECE and Centre Supervisor. Currently, she is the Director of Research & Pedagogical Leadership at the Learning Enrichment Foundation and has also held roles at George Brown College in the School of Early Childhood as part time faculty, field liaison, research assistant, and supporting the lab schools with digital technology. Working with others while connecting children to the Land and the arts have been consistent foci of her work and research throughout her career. Through this work, Nicola has appreciated opportunities to share her knowledge with audiences spanning from local to international levels and a variety of stakeholders. Drawing on these experiences and others, enables her to consider multiple perspectives when approaching key issues impacting Educators today. These different views also inform her leadership style and approach to empowering others through shared leadership opportunities. She believes advocacy is a key component of leadership and is grateful to the AECEO for equipping educators with strategies and tools to participate and be informed when it comes to their professional work in the sector. Nicola continues to take inspiration from her own early childhood experiences on the Land and with the arts and weaves these into her daily work. When away from work, she enjoys spending time outdoors with family, friends, and animals, hiking and enjoying music.
Nidhi Menon B.Sc. M.Sc, M.S, OCT, Ph.D.
Dr. Nidhi Menon is an Assistant Professor in Early Childhood Education at the University of New Brunswick. She is also a contract faculty in the school of Early Childhood Studies at Toronto Metropolitan University. Nidhi received her doctoral degree in Social Justice Education from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto. Her academic journey in Early Childhood Education started in India where she received her M.Sc. in Human Development and Family Studies from the University of Madras, and subsequently went on to complete a Masters degree in Early Childhood Education from Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa in the United States. Nidhi has worked in a variety of early childhood education and childcare settings in India, the United States and Canada. As an immigrant and woman of colour, Nidhi is passionate about working with young children, families and educators who identify as marginalized. Her research interests have a social justice focus which she brings into her teaching, and community outreach activities. In her research, she uses marginalized feminist perspectives to understand the lived resettlement experiences of young refugee children and families. She also leads a community of practice with Early Childhood Educators working with newcomer families and children to support and practice advocacy in the early childhood sector. She believes in the power of advocacy to bring about systemic change for and with Early Childhood Educators to receive the compensation they deserve for their professional work.
Amy Williams (she/her), RECE, Hons. B.ECL, M.A.
Amy is a proud Registered Early Childhood Educator. She graduated from Fanshawe College's Honours Bachelor of Early Childhood Leadership program and graduated with an M.A. in the Critical Policy, Equity, and Leadership Studies program at Western University. Her research in her undergraduate degree focused on the co-design of an early years policy framework prototype based in London and its surrounding area. Her master's thesis investigated Ontario early years professionals' perspectives regarding anti-racist practices in licensed child care settings and how whiteness impacts their ability to engage in anti-racist work. Her research and teaching interests include early years advocacy and policy, anti-racist and anti-oppressive policies and practices in early years settings, and equity and social justice education. She currently works as a part-time professor at Fanshawe College in the Honours Bachelor of Early Childhood Leadership degree program and Early Childhood Education diploma program. She also works full-time as an EarlyON Facilitator in London's Family Centre Service System and has a breadth of experience working in non-profit organizations, child care, and other early years settings. Amy believes that the AECEO serves as a catalyst for change in Ontario's early years' sector, as it works to amplify early years professionals' voices. Through her active engagement as an AECEO board member, she continues to advocate alongside her fellow RECEs. She hopes to continue her work by elevating the importance of reconceptualizing the field of early childhood education and care as one that is not only publicly funded, high quality, anti-racist, and inclusive, but also supports professional wages and better working conditions for its workforce.