Professional learning activities accessed by early childhood educators range from single or multi-session workshops to educational and professional credentials such as certificates, diplomas and degrees.

Professional learning activities are currently being delivered by a host of various organizations and institutions in the province. Many regions have resource centres, as either stand-alone organizations or as part of larger institutions that coordinate the provision of professional learning and/or provide access to professional learning calendars. Did you know the AECEO has hosted professional learning events both in person and virtually online? 

Our list of professional learning opportunites provides web links and contact information to regional resource centres and training institutions that can connect you to professional learning opportunities in your community.

The AECEO also provides professional learning year round through AECEO sponsored events, workshops, online learning/webinars and community meetings.

Ontario's ECE Grants  ECE_logo_bilV2.jpg

This program is mandated by the Ministry of Education to administer this grants program which helps to financially support individuals who are studying in the field, working at home or in a centre-based agency in Ontario, to obtain their ECE Qualifications Upgrade diploma or Leadership certification.

AECEO Professional Learning & Connections

Learn more about current and past AECEO Professional Learning & Connections Events here. Become a member to get exclusive access to video recordings and resources from the AECEO Provincial Conference.

Continuous professional learning through the College of ECE

The College's Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) program complements and formalizes the ongoing professional learning many RECEs do every day.

"Engaging in ongoing professional learning is important to early childhood educators. It is part of the culture of the profession and an integral component of both professionalism and leadership."

The CPL program is a framework and formal process to help RECEs increase their knowledge and skills and ensure quality professional practice throughout their careers. It also communicates to employers, families and the public that RECEs are members of a distinct profession that values ongoing professional learning." College of ECE

Visit the College of ECE website for more information

The AECEO will continue to develop resources to support early childhood educators to fulfill their Continuous Professional Learning requirements and better understand the process.

Guiding principles for professional learning

The following criteria were developed by the AECEO in consultation with sector stakeholders to help ECE professionals identify professional learning opportunities of the highest quality. As well, the guiding principles support ECEs to successfully meet the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice established by the College of ECEs through their continuous professional learning.

  • Supports active participation
  • Critically identifies, evaluates and challenges thinking about daily practice
  • Poses questions about values and beliefs regarding why we do what we do and what we want for children, families, communities and society
  • Introduces new and relevant ideas and topics
  • Creates and supports a critically reflective community of practice that reciprocally interacts with the changing needs of children, families and society
  • Promotes a sense of professionalism
  • Easily accessible and affordable
  • Delivered using a broad range of informal and formal strategies or activities
  • Delivered using a range of formats for different topics including face-to-face, hybrid (combination of face-to-face and on-line), and on-line
  • Promotes collaboration between all professionals  who work in different early childhood education and care settings (i.e. child care, full day kindergarten, family support programs)
  • Engages participants in reflection regarding their daily practice
  • Provides diversity to be inclusive of all areas of RECE employment
  • Supports participant choice with respect to timing, topic and mode of delivery
