Renew or become an AECEO member online: CLICK HERE

To renew or join using our membership forms:

Individual Membership Form

Centre/Organization Membership Form

The Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario (AECEO) is your professional association.
Membership supports a strong, united voice for ECEs in our province and needs to be heard during this time of on-going change.
Together we can achieve great things!

Please note: AECEO membership is not registration with the College of Early Childhood Educators. For RECE registration please visit the College of ECE website.

Below is more information about the current AECEO membership plans and categories:

Membership Categories


Rights & Privileges


An individual with credentials recognized for registration with the College of Early Childhood Educators (CECE).

  • Proof of membership and category
  • eceLINK and e-bulletins
  • Access the online members only website content
  • Voting, nomination and motion privileges
  • Hold position on the AECEO provincial board and executive committee

Professional Certified

An individual who meets the following three criteria:

qualifies for professional membership; has successfully completed the AECEO’s Certification process, and has continuously maintained AECEO certified membership.

       In addition to professional category privileges:

  • Use the title “AECEO.C”
  • Additional member discounts to AECEO events as advertised

Professional Retired

A retired individual who previously held professional membership in the AECEO.

  • Maintain privileges of previous class of Membership (see above)

Transitional 1stYear Professional

An RECE in the first year after graduation.

  • Proof of membership and category
  • eceLINK and e-bulletins
  • Access the online members only website content
  • Voting, nomination and motion privileges
  • Hold position on the AECEO provincial board and executive committee


An individual currently enrolled in an Ontario College of Applied Arts and Technology (OCAAT), or an Ontario university or training institution leading to their CECE recognized diploma or degree in Early Childhood Education.

  • Proof of membership and category
  • eceLINK and e-bulletins
  • Access the online members only website content
  • Can participate in committees
  • No voting privileges
  • Hold position on the AECEO provincial board

Associate (formerly Non-ECE)

An individual interested in the field of Early Childhood Education who does not hold a CECE recognized ECE credential.

  • Proof of membership and category
  • eceLINK and e-bulletins
  • Access the online members only website content
  • Can participate in committees
  • No voting privileges
  • Hold position on the AECEO provincial board
  • Cannot hold office on executive committee or chair committees

Centre/Organization A

Budget Under $500K

  • One copy of each issue of the eceLINK publication
  • Access to the “members’ only” section of the website
  • One AECEO card with the organization name
  • Member rate for AECEO provincial professional development events: Maximum 5 delegates/registrants

Centre/Organization B 

Budget Over $500K

  • One copy of each issue of the eceLINK publication
  • Access to the “members’ only” section of the website
  • One AECEO card with the organization name
  • Member rate for AECEO provincial professional development events: Maximum 10 delegates/registrants


