$10aDay Guidebook

The realities of ECE burnout

Increased wages promote Early Childhood Educators' mental health

The AECEO is Here For You!

Mental health stigma within the Early Childhood sector

Mental Health Stigma within the Early Childhood Sector, 

by Ishaa Vinod Chopra (author/RECE), research intern under Dr Adam W.J. Davies

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AECEO Panel Discussion - A chat about student experiences

Watch now: AECEO panel discussion - A chat about student experiences. This special student panel took place virtually on April 22nd, 2024.

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Scrapbooking & Calligraphy with UGH students

The way forward for Early Childhood Education in Ontario

In this video series originally made for social media, AECEO placement student Ahla Zafar interviewed people occupying various roles within the Early Childhood Education (ECE) field to discuss the issues they are facing. Building on the valuable insights from the interviews, Ahla then explores the work being done by the Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario (AECEO) to address the challenges identified in the interviews.

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