AECEO Professional Learning & Connections

Past Events


Past Event - Joy, Curiosity, & Hope!

The 2023 AECEO Provincial Conference was intentionally planned to be a space for ECEs to learn together and support one another, aiming to bring the Ontario early years community together, regardless of the setting they work in or area of the province they live in. One year later, we revisited the 2023 Provincial Conference with a very special AECEO panel discussion on Joy, Curiosity, & Hope!

Recording of this panel is available to everyone. Watch it here!

Past Event - Family and Race Representation on Screens: ECEs exploring children's media

In this collaborative session, participants received a sneak preview of an upcoming research study about how families are represented on screens. Alongside Kim Wilson, TMU Children’s Media Lab Co-Director, and Jade Lillace, RECE and child care researcher, participants explored subtle messaging and stereotypes about race and families that are present in children’s media. In facilitated breakout rooms, participants shared their perspectives and discussed strategies to increase media literacy in early years environments. Educators have a powerful voice to challenge dominant narratives and combat inequity.

AECEO membership can access a recording here!

Past Event - Indigenous Astronomy: As told by the Haudenosaunee -- Filling Your Spirit with Stardust and Astronomical Knowledge

Presented by Samantha Doxtator, Haudenosaunee, Oneida - Wolf Clan

The intentions surrounding this presentation were to share how connected we are to the Cosmos, and to help heal Indigenous oppression with Astronomical Knowledge and Original Ways of Knowing. Samantha is a Personal Development Consultant who specializes in teaching life and employability skills that are grounded in traditional values.

Samantha was recently featured on a CBC News article about presenting Indigenous Astronomy as told by the Haudenosaunee at the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. Read the article to learn more!

Samantha has recently accepted the gift to continue the work and research on Indigenous Astronomy by her sister Sasha who passed away in July 2021. Sasha’s passion for infusion of Indigenous Knowledge in education will continue to be remembered.

This event was not recorded.

Past Event - Black Canadian History Beyond February

The objective of this workshop was to empower educators (highlighting school-age educators) helping them create an inclusive learning environment that reflects the diverse stories and contributions of Black Canadians beyond the month of February. By attending, participants gained knowledge and tools necessary to inspire their students and foster a sense of unity and appreciation for Canada's rich cultural mosaic.

AECEO membership can access a recording HERE!

Past Event - The Hidden Curriculum in Children's Media: What are children learning from popular media and how does that surface in early learning spaces?

In this session, participants investigated the subtle and often uncontested ways that children’s media surfaces in early childhood spaces. It’s easy to see that kids are learning about numeracy and literacy when watching programs with numbers and letters, but other messaging about gender, race, disability, and families can be less apparent. In this first of two sessions, longtime industry executive and TMU Children’s Media Lab Co-Director Kim Wilson shared research findings about the platforms where children consume the most media, the content that children are watching, and the stereotypes that are perpetuated in children’s media. Video examples were shared and discussed. Kim and Jade Lillace, RECE and child care researcher, discussed how to apply this knowledge in your early learning classrooms. Educators can add nuance to children’s perceptions by leading critical discussions about who is made visible or invisible in popular children’s media.

AECEO membership can access a recording HERE!

Past Event - Part II: Mindfulness and Grounding Techniques for ECEs

Before immersing ourselves in the demands of the new year, participants joined to pause and engage in mindfulness and grounding exercises. Techniques were explored that centre scattered energy through breathing and movement, while participants also learned stress and anxiety relief strategies that help us to enjoy living in the present moment.

During this interactive virtual session, Cress Spicer, ECE, certified Reiki Master/Teacher, certified Bodytalk Practitioner and Access Trainer, and Mindfulness Practitioner, provided participants with the opportunity to:

  • Learn NEW mindful breathing and meditation techniques
  • Discover mudras for grounding and balance
  • Engage in facilitated small group discussions with fellow participants, sharing insights and experiences
  • Question and answer period with an experienced mindfulness instructor

AECEO membership can access a recording HERE!

Past Event - ECE Book Club

Watch the ECE Book Club video invite from Rachel Brophy HERE!

Welcome to the AECEO's pilot professional learning pilot project: ECE Book Club. Using a novel as the starting point, this project aimed to create opportunities for early years professionals to read literature together. By exploring a selected text as a group we hoped to create new spaces for imagination, possibility and community.

Over the course of four bi-weekly sessions, guided by facilitators, participants were invited to do a "slow read" of the novel Scarborough by Catherine Hernandez. The sessions consisted of curated discussions offering various opportunities for participants to explore the themes in Scarborough.

AECEO membership access a recording of Session 1 HERE!

AECEO membership access a recording of Session 2 HERE!

AECEO membership access a recording of Session 3 HERE!

AECEO membership access a recording of Session 4 HERE!

Past Event - ECE Appreciation Day at the ASCY Materials Collaborative Studio, Hamilton

The ASCY team shared their Materials Collaborative Studio space with us. The studio was inspired by the REMIDA Creative Re-Cycling Centre in Reggio Emilia, Italy. It parallels the ethical and cultural collaborative of the REMIDA centre, a place where recycling is regarded as giving normally discarded materials new identities.

Participants were invited to join us on Child Care Worker & ECE Appreciation Day for an opportunity to immerse ourselves in the world of materials and begin to foster a new relationship that will bring the joy of materials to life. 

This event was not recorded as it was an in person event. 

Past Event - Reclaiming Recognition: What it means to be appreciated as an ECE

Child care workers and ECEs are world builders. We curate experiences and support values that foster bravery, critical thinking, expression, and empathy. We deserve recognition that is meaningful to us. One week before Child Care Worker & ECE Appreciation Day we celebrated authentic representations of ourselves by discussing: What do YOU want to be celebrated for?

AECEO Community of Practice Leads Camila Casas (Student Early Childhood Educators of Ontario co-lead), Deirdra Joseph (Community of Black ECEs co-lead), Fred Seabrook (Early Years Advocates London co-lead), Nidhi Menon (Newcomer Services Community of Practice lead) and Sherry Lickers (All Nations Circle of Practice co-lead) discussed how the worth of ECEs & child care workers go far beyond checkboxes and proved that we are more capable than ever to articulate our importance. Through this panel discussion, we reclaimed recognition for ourselves and left with a strengthened sense of pride. The session consisted of small group discussions offering various opportunities for participants to share insights and experiences.

AECEO membership access a recording of the panel discussion HERE!

Past Event - Mindfulness and Grounding Techniques for ECEs

Prior to jumping into the hustle and bustle of the school year, participants took a moment to experience mindfulness exercises and discover grounding techniques that may bring in scattered energy through breathing and movement, along with stress and anxiety relief strategies to help us enjoy living in the present moment.

During this interactive virtual session, Cress Spicer, ECE, certified Reiki Master/Teacher, certified Bodytalk Practitioner and Access Trainer, and Mindfulness Practitioner, provided participants with the opportunity to:
- Learn mindful breathing and mindfulness meditation techniques
- Discover mudras for grounding and balance
- Engage in facilitated small group discussions with fellow participants, sharing insights and experiences
- Q&A with an experienced mindfulness instructor

AECEO membership access a recording of the webinar HERE!

Past Event - Reimagine our Work Through Play, Joy and Togetherness

The Studios Illuminate the Transformational Power of Play, Creativity and Collective Joy. The Seneca ECE Lab School has been transformed into studios; places and spaces to come together in pedagogical dialogue and processes. These studios have been intentionally designed to create space for us to explore and build relationships with materials and one another. The studios cultivate places of possibilities while honoring multiple stories and the gift of Time.

Participants were invited to engage in the exploration of paint, charcoal, blocks, clay, paper, light, fabrics, shadow and digital play. It was a chance to come together, as educators, in pedagogical processes of doing, playing, engaging and reflecting as we found our way… reconnecting to joy and play through relationships. Throughout the spaces there were thinking prompts and invitations to be co-creators, co-learners and provocateurs. The Studios became a space and place to restore our passion and revive our own inner creative spirits.

This event was not recorded as it was an in person event. 

Past Webinar - Becoming an ECE Speaker: A guide to executing your first speaking engagement


Ever attended a professional speaking engagement or learning session and felt inspired by the speaker? Early childhood educators have one of the most critical voices in education. We use our voices to educate, advocate and inspire change in our industry. Our voices have the power to shape the lives of our ECE community. Ready to use your voice in a brand new way? This session gave participants all the tools and tips to become a speaker or facilitator. Facilitated by Anisha Angella, "The Early Childhood Coach," participants got access to the blueprint to starting a successful journey as a speaker in and out of the ECE space. This session was a dialogical space to explore the POWER of our ECE voice. The session consisted of small group discussions offering various opportunities for participants to explore new ways to use their voice in the field. 

AECEO membership access to a recording of this session has expired! AECEO members and our 2023 Provincial Conference presenters had access to a recording of this session up to our conference to help support them prepare their conference presentations.

Resisting Oppression


The purpose of this session was to challenge the images of Blackness in early childhood environments and resist the wide-spread narratives of Black History Month in educational settings. Seneca Early Childhood Educators Black Student Association (SEEBSA) panelists shared stories and lived experiences of Black Joy, Black Success, Black Love and Celebration as a form of resisting all forms of racism. Breaking the one-dimensional narratives provided to and for children and families by disturbing through a critical and intentional lens of self-love, self-care, and self-affirmation. This session was a dialogical space for critical thinkers to explore ways to address anti-black racism in early childhood education. The session consisted of facilitated small group discussions offering various opportunities for participants to recognize and respond to the work that needs to happen. 

This session was not recorded to ensure a safe/brave space for all participants. 

Question & Answer on Allyship



During this question-and-answer session on allyship, participants had the opportunity to ask questions from the various staff members of Ontario Aboriginal Head Start Association about ways to walk beside one another in this journey of allyship. This session was engaging and self-reflective.

AECEO membership access a recording of the conversation HERE!


Allyship: Relationships, Humility, and Moving Forward


During this interactive virtual session, Ontario Aboriginal Head Start Association presenters unpacked and defined the term, “Ally”. In present times we often hear individuals’ self-proclaiming the title, “Ally”. An ally is only identified by an Indigenous Community; working in an allyship based relationship, consists of many responsibilities. We discussed the importance of kinship and building meaningful relationships with Indigenous peoples and communities. This session was engaging, self-reflective and a step forward, as we walk beside one another in this journey of allyship.

AECEO membership access a recording of the webinar HERE!


2023 AECEO Provincial Conference Presentation Information Session


During our 2023 AECEO Provincial Conference Presentation Information Session with Conference Committee members shared information about submitting proposals and on ways you can present at our 2023 AECEO Provincial Conference. This session was a dialogical space for potential presenters to ask questions, and to explore presentation topic ideas and formats.

Access a recording of the Dec 1, 2022 Information Session HERE!

Access a recording of the Dec 13, 2022 Information Session HERE!


AECEO Conversation: Listening to Land as Teacher Sharing Circle


During our Listening to Land as Teacher Sharing Circle, Dr. Hopi Martin Gichitaawa Oshkaabewis (Ojibwe Sacred Helper, Messenger, Fire Keeper, Lodge Caretaker) invited Learning Enrichment Foundation staff to share their Seasonal Pedagogy journey with us. The session was a dialogical space for critical thinkers to explore ways to connect children and families back to the land in a wide variety of urban and rural contexts. The session consisted of facilitated small group discussions offering various opportunities for participants to recognize and respond to the work that needs to happen. Participants also had the opportunity to ask questions of the various staff members of LEF in a panel style discussion about ways to grow the Seasonal Pedagogy. In keeping with Indigenous protocols connected to this work, this session included an Opening/Closing Ceremony, a Sharing Circle, opportunities for questions and answers, as well as opportunities for further reflection and learning.

AECEO membership access a recording of the webinar HERE!

Listening to Land as Teacher Part 4/4 (Passing): Giving Back to a Growing Understanding of Community in ECE


During our fourth and final webinar in the Listening to Land as Teacher Series, Dr. Hopi Martin Gichitaawa Oshkaabewis (Ojibwe Sacred Helper, Messenger, Fire Keeper, Lodge Caretaker) invited Learning Enrichment Foundation educators to share their pedagogical documentation of the Seasonal Pedagogy. They also be spoke about how to grow this work of connecting children and families back to the land in a wide variety of urban and rural contexts. This webinar offered participants the opportunity to ask questions of the various LEF staff members about the ways to grow the Seasonal Pedagogy. In keeping with Indigenous protocols connected to this work, this webinar included an Opening/Closing Ceremony and a Sharing Circle.

AECEO membership access a recording of the webinar HERE!

Listening to Land as Teacher Part 3/4 (Relationships): Acknowledging the Importance of Ceremony in Truth and Reconciliation in ECE


During our third webinar in the Listening to Land as Teacher Series, Dr. Hopi Martin Gichitaawa Oshkaabewis (Ojibwe Sacred Helper, Messenger, Fire Keeper) lit a Sacred Fire in the Wiigiwaam and was joined by Learning Enrichment Foundation staff, including educators from the Silverthorn Early Learning Earth Centre alongside the St. Andrew Child Care Centre team who have just begun working with the Seasonal Pedagogy in their outdoor program. This next Sharing Circle demonstrated the importance of creating those reciprocal and respectful relationships both inside and outside of the childcare setting. This webinar offered participants the opportunity to ask questions of the various LEF staff members about the challenges of practicing the Seasonal Pedagogy. In keeping with Indigenous protocols connected to this work, this webinar included an Opening/Closing Ceremony and a Sharing Circle.

AECEO membership access a recording of the webinar HERE!

Listening to Land as Teacher Part 2/4 (Movement): Walking Together on Mother Earth Through the Four Seasons in ECE


During our second webinar in the Listening to Land as Teacher Series, Dr. Hopi Martin Gichitaawa Oshkaabewis (Ojibwe Sacred Helper, Messenger, Fire Keeper) hosted a Sharing Circle with staff from The Learning Enrichment Foundation from the Wiigiwaam (Ojibwe Bush Home/Grandmother’s Lodge) they built together at the newly created Silverthorn Early Learning Earth Centre. This ‘many-eyed seeing’ approach shared stories from multiple perspectives about ‘walking together’ through the ‘Seasonal Pedagogy’ to create the first urban ‘Bush School’ in Tkaronto (Toronto). This webinar offered participants the opportunity to ask questions of the various LEF staff members about the challenges of ‘walking together’ and meeting at the ‘edge of the bush’. In keeping with Indigenous protocols connected to this work, this webinar included an Opening/Closing Ceremony, a Sharing Circle, as well as opportunities for further reflection and learning.

AECEO membership access a recording of the webinar HERE!

Listening to Land as Teacher Part 1/4 (Birth): Beginning with a Seasonal Pedagogy in ECE


In this webinar, Dr. Hopi Martin Gichitaawa Oshkaabewis (Ojibwe Sacred Helper, Messenger, Fire Keeper) introduced the Seasonal Pedagogy that has emerged from his research with Ojibwe Grandmothers, Indigenous and settler ECEs, Earth Workers, and Youth titled Listening to Land as Teacher in Early Childhood Education. Katrina Estey and Nicola Maguire, Directors from The Learning Enrichment Foundation shared the ‘spark’ of an idea that was the Birth of their work with Hopi Martin. This webinar consisted of a Q&A, offering opportunities for participants to openly question and think about the four concepts of Birth, Movement, Relationships, and Passing have to specific times of the year and to deeper considerations of child development and play.

AECEO membership access a recording of the webinar HERE!

Leading with Love and Compassion: An Entryway to Belonging


In this follow-up conversation, Natalie Royer, Belonging Specialist at Saroy Group, discussed about love and compassion and how it acts as an entryway to belonging. Natalie highlighted key ideas for educators and leaders in the field on how we can communicate with compassion and how we can create a sense of belonging within ourselves by leading with love to both ourselves and others. This consisted of facilitated small group discussions and Q&A, offering various opportunities for participants to recognize and respond to the work that needs to happen. 

This conversation was not recorded to ensure a safe/brave space for all participants.



Black History Month is Done! Now What?


In this Black History Month follow-up conversation, Natalie Royer, Belonging Specialist at Saroy Group, shared her story as a Black ECE navigating the sector and facilitated a dialogical space for us to "look deep within [ourselves] and ask the hard questions: Why do I choose to do nothing? What am I afraid of? Why do I think it is not my place act?" (Royer, 2021, para 9). This conversation consisted of facilitated small group discussions and Q&A, offering various opportunities for participants to recognize and respond to the work that needs to happen to address anti-black racism in early childhood education.

This conversation was not recorded to ensure a safe/brave space for all participants


(Re)Imagining Relationships with Land



In this conversation, Haley Higdon and Carolynne Crawley facilitated a dialogical space for us to rethink our relationships to the natural world through stories and questions that inspire and continue to drive Natural Curiosity’s work. This conversation consisted of facilitated small group discussions and Q&A, offering various opportunities for participants to openly question and think about how we can reimagine and restore our relationship to land.

AECEO membership access a recording of the conversation HERE!



Reimagining Our Relationship to Land through Natural Curiosity


Natural Curiosity offers a powerful way to engage children in learning about their world. In this webinar, Natural Curiosity Program Director Haley Higdon and Msit No’kmaq founder Carolynne Crawley introduced a transformative approach to early years learning on the land, which first begins with reimagining our own relationship to the natural world. Together, we considered: How might educators model an ongoing, intimate, and deeply informed relationship with the land, in ways that help children to develop a more reciprocal relationship to place, and to each other?

AECEO membership access a recording of the webinar HERE!


(Re)Conceptualizing Relationships with Playgrounds


In this follow up conversation, director of education Anne Marie Coughlin, centre director Joanie Vallinga, playground designer Tatiana Zakharova @TATIANAatPlay and preschool educator Sherida Johnson facilitated a dialogical space for us to rethink our relationships with and on playgrounds through sharing stories and questions that inspired and continue to drive their work. The conversation consisted of a facilitated break-out room discussion and Q&A that offered the space to share, question and think with ideas and concepts.

AECEO membership access a recording of the conversation HERE!


Play/Grounding and Pedagogy: Unravelling Relationships with ECE Playgrounds


In this webinar, centre director Joanie Vallinga, the director of education Anne Marie Coughlin and the playground designer Tatiana Zakharova @TATIANAatPlay shared images, sounds, stories, and questions that inspired and continue to drive the work of rethinking our relationships with and on playgrounds. Together, we considered: What do ECE playgrounds do, and how might these outdoor play-focused spaces connect to educational philosophies of today and challenges of tomorrow? How might we deeply and meaningfully intertwine pedagogical work and design of outdoor spaces for children? What might playgrounds look, feel and work like if the considerations behind their design and purpose were not driven by developmental psychology alone?

AECEO membership access a recording of the webinar HERE!
