On Friday afternoon the Ministry of Education released the Proposed Regulatory Amendments resulting from the 5-year review of the Child Care and Early Years Act. There are a number of problematic proposed changes, including but not limited to proposed changes to age groupings/ratios (p. 3-4) and qualification requirements (p. 7-8) [see below].
We know there are long-standing issues in the child care and early years sector. However, many of these proposed amendments are not in the best interest of children, families, educators, and the future of the sector. They compromise pedagogical integrity, the safety and well-being of children and educators, and fail to acknowledge the important work of ECEs in all their settings. As the OCBCC states, “Expanding access does not have to come at the cost of quality. We continue to call on the Ford government to truly make child care a priority, to work with the federal government to build a publicly funded child care system with decent work for educators and access for all.”
We will use our collective voice to resist these changes. We will continue our thorough review of all the proposed amendments as we write a formal response to the regulatory posting. We will be developing supports and tools for the sector to provide their feedback to the Proposed Regulatory Amendments - look for those later this week.
What would these changes mean for you? We need to hear from you. Our #RisingUp stories have been highlighting the challenges we are experiencing, and showing why Ontario must be a part of a nation child care system that ensures decent work and pay for ECEs. To read the #RisingUp stories, learn how to share your story, and sign the petition visit https://www.childcareontario.org/risingup
A. “Flexibility and Responsiveness”A1. Schedule 1- Age Groupings, Ratios, Maximum Group Size, and Proportion of Qualified Staff, which reintroduces the 0-24month (infant), 24 months-5 years (preschool) model. (p. 3-4)A3. Authorized Recreational and Skill Build Programs, which would “allow specified Authorized Recreational and Skill Building Programs to operate for more than three consecutive hours.” (p. 6) (*Important to note, we do not disagree with providing First Nations and Urban Indigenous the legislated right to deliver Indegeous-led programming).B. “Qualification Requirements”B1. “Qualified Employees” which would allow non-ECE staff to be designated as Qualified Staff in the kindergarten age group, licensed junior school age group or a licensed primary/junior school age group. (p. 7-8)B3. “Qualification Requirements for Child Care Centre Supervisors” which would replace requirements for experience in ‘licensed child care’ with ‘children’s programming/services.’ (p. 9)Discussion Question #2: Registry of Unlicensed Child Care Providers, to which “the government is seeking feedback about how to support the delivery of child care in such settings” (p. 34)
To read the Proposed Regulatory Amendment document visit: https://www.ontariocanada.com/registry/showAttachment.do?postingId=34107&attachmentId=45856
Click HERE to read the AECEO's submission on the 5-year review of the CCEYA.
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