Response to Wage Enhancement Grant

We have been hearing from ECEs and employers across the Province who are concerned about the Wage Enhancement Grant (WEG) continuing into next year. We understand that the Wage Enhancement Grant is important to the many ECEs and early years staff who receive this funding. We have heard no indication that the Wage Enhancement Grant is cancelled.

Here is what we know:


- The Wage Enhancement Grant is delivered by fiscal year – meaning, new funding for 2019 onwards will be allocated in the budget in March. We should expect that municipalities will be informed about the continuation of the Wage Enhancement Grant as we get closer to March.

- Funding for January – March 2019 should be delivered to municipalities as part of the 2018 fiscal year budget.

- In August, the Ministry of Education stated that, “Beginning in 2019, [they will be] reducing administrative requirements for the WageEnhancement/Home Child Care Enhancement Grant”.  This leads us to believe they intend to continue to provide the Wage Enhancement Grant in the 2019 fiscal year.

- The Ministry of Education has not stated any intention to cancel the Wage Enhancement Grant. 

We will continue to stay on top of the situation and keep you all informed.

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