In This Issue:
- Transforming Work in Ontario's Early Years and Child Care Sector
- Decent Work Charter and Supporting Documents
- Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education Annual Conference, 2017
- Transcending Borders in Early Childhood Education and Care
- The Centrality of Caring: Embracing Our Work as Political Practice (Featured article available to the public)
- Book Review: Far from the tree, written by L. Michelle Coupe, Illustrated by Casandra Ward
- Profile: Play and Learning Centres for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children
We would like to thank the following advertisers for helping to support this issue of the eceLINK
The Retired Teachers of Ontario
Johnson Insurance
University of Guelph/Humber
Heart Safe First Aid and CPR
George Brown College (ad 1)
George Brown College (ad 2)
School Specialty
ECE grants
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