Child Care Operators' Webinar-April 24, 2020

We know that the current context has left child care programs, operators, RECEs and early years staff in a state of uncertainty. We are hearing from operators seeking resources and answers as they make important decisions about how they support their staff and families and navigate new and changing economic support programs. We do not have all the answers, but we do have access to the best resource - our shared experiences.

Alongside our partners at the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care and Atkinson Centre, we invited child care operators, supervisors, directors and board members to join us on April 24th as we brought together three operators from diverse settings for an interactive, facilitated discussion about how they are responding to the context, questions they are grappling with, and strategies they are using in making decisions. In our discussion we collectively identified outstanding questions and concerns and resources to support you through this time. Most importantly, we came together and shared our experiences. We are not alone, and we are stronger together.

Panel Moderator: Jennifer Kirkham


  • Sheila Olan-MacLean, CEO, Compass Early Learning and Child Care
  • Tracy Saarikoski, Executive Director, Discovery Early Learning & Care
  • Amy O'Neil, Director, Treetop Children's Centre

Webinar recording

You can engage in advocacy by:

  1. Endorsing Child Care Now's Plan to save child care
  2. Sending an email to your MPP demanding emergency sustainability funds for the child care sector. 
  3. Sending us resources we can share to the collective resources document - this is a living document we can continue to build together.
  4. Supporting the AECEO and OCBCC through membership, information sharing and amplifying our calls to action.

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