Issue: Fall 2021
Special issue: Post pandemic possibilities: Exploring new ideas and spaces in ECEC emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically altered and continues to alter ECEC in Ontario. In times of uncertainty, desperation and fear there is an understandable longing to get back to “normal”. This call asks how the pandemic may have prompted new thinking about the pre-pandemic status quo in ECEC at the program and policy level. Some topics/questions that could be explored include:
- How have the dominant ideas about the purpose, value and scope of ECEC been challenged and/or reinforced throughout the pandemic?
- How has the pandemic challenged the public/private (market-state-family) positioning of ECEC at the policy level in Ontario and/or Canada?
- What can we learn from the varied responses of ECEC professionals to the pandemic as we continue to move through it and beyond?
- Has the COVID-19 pandemic provided new ways of thinking or doing pedagogy in ECEC in Ontario?
Relevant to all of these questions is how new ideas or ways of thinking emerging out of the pandemic are having an impact on children, families and educators involved in ECEC programs and policies in Ontario.
Submission deadline: June 1, 2021
Download a PDF copy of the full Call for Submissions
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