AECEO response to College of ECEs' fee increase

The AECEO is disappointed by the College of Early Childhood Educators’ increase to the yearly registration fee. The College’s role is to regulate the profession on behalf of public interest, by setting educational standards and implementing disciplinary processes. Despite the regulation of all ECEs through the College, RECE wages still do not adequately reflect the value of their work. The College should seek funding sources other than raising the mandatory membership fee, including seeking funds from the Provincial government that reflect their duty to the public. The College’s increased operating costs should not be downloaded to RECEs, who are already underpaid.

While the College does not advocate on behalf of ECEs, the AECEO does. As ECEs ourselves, we share your frustration and believe the only answer to the systemic undervaluing of our work is advocacy. The provincial government must prioritize improved wages and working conditions for all early years professionals. The AECEO will continue our efforts to win decent work for all through policy recommendations, government relations, and community building and we invite you to join us:

  • Take part in our e-action to Federal and Provincial Government
  • Coming together to care for one another is a key element of the advocacy work we do at the AECEO. Join us for a community care session on Wednesday, July 31st at 7PM. Register here. More details coming soon!
  • Read the Position Paper on a Publicly-funded ELCC Salary Scale to learn more about what is possible for the early years sector in Ontario. 

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