Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario Media Release
For immediate release
TORONTO, April 22, 2014
"We are heartened to learn the Ontario Government has moved to address the issue of low wages for ECE professionals and other front line child care staff. Research shows that the quality of early childhood education and care programs is associated with the wages of the workforce; in other words, if early childhood educators are well-compensated the quality of an ECEC program will be higher." says Dr. Rachel Langford, President of the AECEO.
The Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario (AECEO) is the professional association for registered ECEs and has actively advocated for a Human Resources Strategy for Ontario RECES which includes better wages and working conditions.
Today’s announcement is a positive step in the right direction for all staff working in child care settings. Professional pay for professional work continues to be a goal for RECEs who have a specialized body of knowledge in early childhood and are held accountable to the public through a regulatory body.
The AECEO will continue to dialogue with government on behalf of Ontario RECEs.
Contact: Eduarda Sousa, Executive Director AECEO, 416-487-3157 ext 24
Click here to read full press release from Ontario government