AECEO Analysis - Decent Work and Early Years in the Federal Platforms

The Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario is a non-profit, charitable organization, which acts on behalf of its members. As such, we have a vested interest in considering the potential implications of policy decisions from the position of our members. We are, as a charitable organization, a non-partisan group. In this way, we do not favour one party over another, nor promote a party or encourage our members to vote a particular way.

We do consider and analyze the party platforms with the best interests of our members and the child care sector as per AECEO’s mission and purpose, and share this information within our networks. This information is to encourage thoughtful consideration and meaningful dialogue in the pre-election period, and ultimately informed voting decisions.

The following charts highlight the child care and early years platforms of the Green Party, Liberal Party, NDP, PC Party, and People's Party as of October 2, 2019.

To view the Green Party platform, click here.


To view the Liberal Party platform, click here.


To view the NDP platform, click here.


To view the PC Party statements, click here.


To view the People's Party platform, click here.

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