Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario (AECEO)
Submission to the Ministry of Finance 2019 Pre Budget Consultations
We support Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECEs) in their professional practice and advocate for the recognition and appropriate compensation of the profession. RECEs are fundamental to high quality early learning and child care (ECEC) in Ontario.
Summary of Budget Action Recommendations
- Commit to continuing the $2/hour Wage Enhancement Grant (WEG) and immediately extending it to include RECEs in other sectors including EarlyON staff
- Develop and implement a publicly funded province wide wage scale with a $25/hour minimum wage for RECEs and commensurate compensation for early years staff, a benefits package, including paid sick and personal leave days; we advise the Government to commit at least $375 million as a first step to establishing the wage scale
Click here to read the full submission.
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