Unless the government changes course, their proposed regulatory changes to the Child Care and Early Years Act (CCEYA) could take effect as soon as next month. So even though their consultations are over, our fight to #StopTheChildCareChanges is more important than ever. We asked the ECEC community to show us how you feel about the changes and we are excited to share the collaborative videos created from the amazing submissions. Check back on this page as we will be sharing the videos as they are created.
We have created an email template for following up on the multitude of submissions the Ministry received. It's important for Minister Lecce to hear directly from the community because we know our voices are stronger together. The AECEO and OCBCC are preparing a series of policy briefs on the proposals to inform the community and public.
Here are your links to help you participate in this important phase of the campaign:
Video 1 No to the Child Care changes!
Video 2 No to the Child Care changes 2!
Video 3 ECE Students say No to the Child Care changes!
Video 4 Children say No to the Child Care changes!
AECEO/OCBCC Policy briefs - new ones will be posted at this link as they are created
Email template - please customize and use to email Minister Lecce as soon as possible.
Look up your MPP (to copy on your email to Minister Lecce)