In Ontario, Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) work in a variety of programs and services for children and families such as regulated child care services including full or part-day centre based child care, preschools or nursery schools, regulated home based family child care, family resource programs including Ontario Early Years Centres (OEYCs), early intervention and support services, and in full day kindergarten and extended-day programs in the public school system. As well, many ECEs are employed in government, post-secondary institutions and other related organizations.
ECEs in Ontario are therefore working within various systems, legislation and regulatory environments and policy frameworks. Although we are united in our shared collective knowledge and identity as ECEs, we may also have very different working contexts and experiences. This section of the website outlines the public policy context and supporting information for some of the key areas of early childhood education and care in Ontario, as well as the legislative framework for the regulation of the profession by the College of Early Childhood Educators.
Early Childhood Educators Act 2007
Child Care and Early Years Act 2014
Ministry of Education Early Learning and Child Care memos
Ministry of Education: Child Care Sector information
Ministry of Education: Full Day Kindergaren information
How Does Learning Happen? Ontario's Pedagogy for the Early Years
Child, Youth and Family Services Act 2017