Ontario Government Launches Planning for Prosperity: A Consultation for the People

The Ontario government has launched an online public consultation as part of its review of government spending. This is important as it will inform future decisions by the government regarding the effectiveness and efficiency of provincial programs and services, in areas such as children and social services and education.


Your voice matters! It is important to let the new government know which programs are important to you. The AECEO strongly believes that the government has a responsibility to invest in early years programs and recognize registered early childhood educators (RECEs) as the foundation from which meaningful and quality early experiences occur. We are calling on the new government to continue and expand investment in early years services and ensure RECEs and early years staff have decent work and professional pay, no matter where they work. A component of this would be a commitment from the new government to continuing the important work outlined in Growing Together: Ontario's Early Years and Child Care Workforce Strategy and adopting the AECEO's Decent Work Task Force's Policy Recommendations.

We encourage you to share your perspective with the new government and let them know what public services and programs matter to you. The closing date for the survey is September 21, 2018 and the survey should take 15 minutes of your time. 

Please see survey here.

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