AECEO urges the government to withdraw Bill 47 in written submission to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs

“Well educated, well paid and competent early childhood educators are fundamental to high quality early years and child care programs that support children and families across the province … The introduction of Bill 47 and concurrent repeal of critical protections established in Bill 148 is deeply concerning to ECEs, early years staff, and workers across Ontario.

Too many ECEs, early years staff, and Ontario workers continue to face low wages in part-time, temporary or contract jobs without employment benefits, workplace protection or the right to form, and keep, a union. Even with the increasing professionalization of ECEs and the ample evidence pointing to the immense importance of their work for children, families, and society, ECEs have seen a very slow and limited increase in professional recognition through improved compensation and benefits.

The valuable and socially important work of ECEs and early years staff is threatened by persistently low wages and challenging working conditions. The AECEO urges the government to reconsider the decision to repeal workers protections as outlined in Bill 47. ECEs and early years staff across Ontario are calling on the government to fulfill their responsibility to workers, children, families and communities.”

See full written submission here

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