Early Childhood Australia
The three videos in this collection highlight and showcase selected examples of significant learning in the birth-to-three-years period. The aim is to make babies’ and toddlers’ learning visible and, by doing so, to expand awareness and appreciation of it. As a result, professionals will look more closely, reflect on what babies’ and toddlers’ behaviour means, adopt an image of babies and toddlers as capable and competent learners, and enact this image in their work.
Download the information booklet to read more.
Click here to visit Early Childhood Australia and view videos
Infant care spaces are disappearing across Muskoka
By Jennifer Bowman, Bracebridge Examiner
Daycares are changing how they operate and who they serve now that full-day kindergarten has taken their most profitable clientele, those aged 3.8 years and older. The last round of schools to implement full-day kindergarten will open their new classrooms this fall, landing the final blow to some daycares.
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