Ontario Child Care Webinar: Voices from emergency child care and next steps for advocacy.

In our first Child Care Operators’ Webinar we began a conversation about how the ECE sector is responding to COVID-19. We heard from three operators about how they have been negotiating the challenges and what they are proud of. We also heard from you about what we can do to support you and what your most pressing concerns are. With our partners the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care and the Atkinson Centre, over 600 people joined us on May 14 for our second Webinar.

We are responding to your concerns and will be highlighting the experiences of ECEs and operators in emergency child care. We know there is much trepidation and uncertainty about what our programs will look like when they re-open. We don’t have all the answers for what is to come, but we can learn from those who are working through these challenges now. We will also continue our conversation about the role of advocacy. When we are working together our collective voice is strong and we hold power to make positive change for our sector. We need to ensure child care and early years programs are thoughtfully planned, properly resourced, and keep decent work and care at the core.


  • Jill Wilkins, RECE, Operations Link, Compass Early Learning and Care
  • Melissa Boekee, RECE, Compass Early Learning and Care
  • Marni Flaherty, RECE, CEO, Today’s Family
  • Monica Lysack, RECE, Professor, Sheridan College

Webinar Video


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