NEW! Language, Literacy and Numeracy - Online workshop

The Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario and Red River College have partnered to offer the online workshop, Language, Literacy and Numeracy. The workshop content (videos, readings, links, games, discussions) is completely online and available to participants over a two-week period. Participants have complete flexibility to work through the materials at times that are most convenient for them.

The content is from the Science of Early Child Development (SECD). SECD’s engaging, multimedia resources are used around the world by people who want to learn more about the impact of the early years on lifelong health and well-being.

A facilitator oversees the workshop by welcoming, orienting and guiding participants. 


Language, Literacy and Numeracy

February 28 - March 13, 2019

Topics include:

  • Experiences that best support children's development of language, literacy and numeracy
  • Exploring language development in the early years, including genetic and environmental influences
  • Literacy and emergent literacy in research and practice
  • Mathematical concepts and the development of numeracy
  • Practices that support numeracy
  • Literacy, numeracy and school readiness

Participants will watch videos of children around the world, hear from experts discussing the topics, do short readings and play interactive review games. Participants will “meet” in online discussions, guided by a facilitator, to hear each other’s ideas, reflect on and apply what they learn.  

The facilitator will be in touch with workshop participants to provide access information and orientation, and answer questions, approximately two days before the workshop begins.

Participants can choose the times that are most convenient for them between the period of February 28 - March 13, 2019.

This is equivalent to a full day workshop or six hours of professional learning. Professional Learning Certificates will be provided by the AECEO after completion of the course.



Want to save on your online professional learning? Become a member of the AECEO for significant savings on our online workshops. 
Membership supports a strong, united voice for ECEs in our province.  

Together We are Stronger!  Join us Today! 


If you prefer to register by email/fax/mail please download the registration form. To register by phone, please contact Sue Parker at 1-866-932-3236 ext. 27.

Please provide the email of the person who will be participating in the workshop.

February 28, 2019 at 8:00am - March 13, 2019
Sue Parker · · 416-487-3157 ext 27
Sorry, this event is sold out.
